• Question: how do proteins help the body

    Asked by anon-185688 to William on 5 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: William Glass

      William Glass answered on 5 Nov 2018:

      Proteins carry out all sorts of functions in your body. Together with many other molecules and molecular machines they help your body to function all of the time. They do this by helping molecules move across boundaries, increasing the speed of certain reactions, modulating other proteins and all sorts of other things, far too many to list down in one answer.

      There are thousands of proteins and their structures are being found all of the time, when they are they are usually put in the protein data bank (basically a big storage place for protein crystals). Often they have a “molecule of the month” which gives you an introduction to what the protein does and why it’s important, you can find that here: https://pdb101.rcsb.org/motm/227
